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Learn more in the Cambridge English-Turkish Dictionary. But according to Star TV's announcement, the series is. The release date of The Ambassador's Daughter - Sefirin Kızı Turkish TV drama has not been announced yet. While Emre Kabakuşak is the director of the series, Ayşe Ferda Eryılmaz and Sedef Nehir Erdem are writing the screenplay.

  • The producers of the series are O3 Media and NGM.
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  • Scos din marea vietii episodul 14 tradus in romana de la tv din serial de aventuri turcesc, Nehir.
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  • More: ’s story begins in an orphanage, where she meets Zerrin, a con-woman, as a teenager.
  • A typical Feminine Name that means "she who lives" as it is originated from the verb transla. I think it's also useful to know that the word comes from the Arabic origin translated as.

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  • Answer (1 of 5): First of all, the proper typing in The Turkish Script would be "Ayşe".

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